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Habitrol Lozenges

Habitrol lozenges offer a discreet alternative to nicotine gum.

Habitrol lozenges work the same way as the gum - nicotine is released into your mouth for direct absorption - quick and easy. Usage is also similar - suck until flavor develops then tuck the lzoenge into your cheek until the flavor subsides ( usually a few minutes) then re-suck until flavor is apparent again. A lozenge will last several minutes.  Avoid chewing, or sucking continuously, because this releases the nicotine at too high a rate.

Habitrol lozenges come in 2mg or 1mg strengths ( equivalent to 4mg and 2mg gum respectively). The lozenges are mint flavored, and sugar free.

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Habitrol 1mg 216pc Lozenges x 30 (6480 pcs)

$1195.67 You save 32%!
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